Growing older is inevitable, and for many people, it evokes feelings of anxiety and fear of the unknown. It is also accompanied by physical, mental, emotional, social, and financial changes that can affect the overall well-being of a group of families. Coping with these changes can be difficult at any age, however, there are things you can do to ensure you navigate the changes with ease.
1. Connect With a Family Lawyer
Some people have family attorneys on call while others don’t, studies show the majority of people who have lawyers on their speed dial are typically wealthy. Most non-wealthy people can’t simply afford to pay the required retainer fees. However, it is always important to ensure you cultivate a good relationship with a family lawyer, this will help ensure you have access to legal help whenever you have legal issues.
For example, according to CDC data collected in 2021, the life expectancy for women was 79 years and 73 years for men. So how do you ensure your family members who need guardianship are cared for in the tragic event you die? Or, how do you ensure you have someone who can make sound medical choices when you are not in the capacity to do so on your own? You should plan ahead of time by contacting guardianship lawyers who will give you legal advice on how best to handle the situation.
Connecting with a specialized and knowledgeable lawyer will help a group of families avoid future hassles that make it difficult to navigate legal decisions. It will also give you peace of mind as you get to concentrate on other pressing issues that call for your attention as you age. To ensure you work with a qualified professional, search through different companies’ websites or get referrals from reliable acquaintances.
2. Enroll your Children in School
When it comes to matters of school, some are for it while others are against it, even so, there is no denying that enrolling your children in schools as they continue to get older has many benefits. However, this is easier said than done, finding the best elementary school or preparatory school to enroll children in is a daunting task for many. Fortunately, there are plenty of options to choose from whether you prefer public or private preschools.
Choosing between public or private schools is one of the most important decisions that parents have to make as they start their children’s education journey. It is a decision that requires you to carefully analyze the pros and cons of each of the options. Although the majority prefer enrolling in public schools, there are various advantages of private schools that may include individualized attention from teachers and increased access to co-curricular opportunities.
Not forgetting a group of families that prefer homeschooling their children, and although this may appear to be a viable option for them, they can never fully recreate the same learning environment as it is in a school. Sending your children to learning institutions helps them experience new environments, and interact with new people under the guidance of qualified teachers. In addition, it offers convenience for parents with busy schedules as they get extra hours on their hands when the children are in school.
3. Hire a Real Estate Attorney
As you and your family members get older, you may need to get a bigger house to create more space for the group of families that will be living under the same roof or you may need to downsize your current home as most of the family members may have moved out to start their own families. Whatever the case, it is important to hire a real estate attorney to guide you throughout the process.
Most people tend to hire lawyers only when faced with legal issues that need to be addressed, however, you can still hire a lawyer when a good thing, such as buying a new home is about to happen. Working with qualified realtor lawyers gives you great benefits that include, cost savings, ensured correctness, legal protection, and due diligence. The truth is, that navigating property transactions can be a complicated process, but having an experienced lawyer will give you peace of mind as you plan for your future home.
4. Schedule Yearly Photography Session
A family is an important aspect of life, it may include both nuclear and extended family members. These are the people you would typically spend holidays and celebrate important milestones with. As you all grow older, some of the memories you have created together may be forgotten in time, scheduling annual photo sessions will not only help to preserve your most cherished memories with loved ones but will also help to document growth.
Capturing memories is not only important in creating bonds with different family members but it also forms an important part of family history. Think about it, how many times have you flipped through old family photo albums and gotten to know a group of families who existed before you? Photos will help to preserve memories that can be shared with future generations.
Thankfully, in today’s world of technology, capturing memories has become as easy as a touch of a button on your mobile phone. However, for your annual family photoshoot, you want to visit an urban photography studio to have a professional take your photos. A professional photographer will ensure they capture all the right angles while using quality equipment and software to help ensure high-quality photos.
5. Create your Estate Plan
Aging isn’t just an old people thing. None of us is getting younger, we age with each passing minute. Therefore, instead of ignoring that fact, it’s better to always be prepared. The truth is, estate planning isn’t a priority item for most people, they would rather devote their time planning for vacations or choosing a new spot to dine. While these are fun activities to take on, they will not help to secure the future or ensure peace when you are gone.
Therefore, to avoid a devastating impact on your loved ones when you are gone, it is important to have a plan in place. You may think you have your whole life ahead of you and therefore put off estate planning for a later date, however, it’s never too early to start your planning but it can be too late. If you don’t know when to start, start now, get in touch with your local estate planning attorneys, and draft a plan that ensures both you and your loved ones are well taken care of as you get older. You may also want to involve elder law planning attorneys who have specified knowledge that is important when planning out how you want to live your later years.
6. Have a Medical Plan
You may have lived a healthy life all your life, however as you and your family members continue to age unforeseen health complications may come up. No one plans on falling sick or getting hurt, however, it still does happen, and when it does, you will need quick access to medical care. The best way to prepare for such an unfortunate event is by ensuring you have a comprehensive medical plan that covers both you and your family members.
With the rising cost of health care, medical insurance is essential for every household, and more people are opting to have medical insurance coverage in place to substitute the hefty out-of-pocket payments that would otherwise be necessary. It is impossible to buy health, however, having a medical plan in place helps to ensure you get the best medical care possible without having to worry about bankruptcy or sourcing large sums of money to pay medical bills.
7. Staying Active
Staying active as a family is a great way to create quality time but also helps to ensure a healthy lifestyle, and no, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to drag your entire family to the gym. Many other fun activities can be taken up by a group of families looking to stay active, whether you decide to take up an outdoor activity such as biking, playing outdoor sports, or taking a walk to the neighborhood park, you are spoilt for choice on the different activities that will guarantee the entire family stays active.
Remember it isn’t just your physical health that you need to look after, you will also need to ensure your mental health is intact. Different mental health complications are seen in people as they get older such as Alzheimer’s disease which is commonly associated with mental decline. As studies show, it is possible to avoid mental decline as you age as long as you remain mentally active. Therefore, whether it is reading your favorite pull-out from a magazine, doing crossword puzzles, or doing volunteer work different activities help ensure you remain mentally stimulated.
8. Pay Off Your Debts and Save
Everyone strives to live a debt-free life, being debt-free allows you to focus on investing and saving for your retirement. A common question on many people’s minds is whether to save or clear off debt, the truth is, both are important. Failing to save for retirement means you will have little to live on in your later years while slaking on debt repayment accrues more interest over time. Therefore, it is important to come up with a plan that allows you to save and pay off your debts while still affording your everyday life.
In addition to having a savings plan, you may also want to consider a private pension, many people are skeptical of the idea of a private pension since they have to wait for years before they can benefit from it. However, as much as it may not make sense to make payments now, you stand to benefit a great deal in your golden years. According to financial experts, you’ll need 70% of your salary prior to retirement to maintain your lifestyle. If you are in a lower-income household, the percentage could rise to 90, therefore, the earlier you start the better. Before you start making any payments, it is important to shop around and compare the terms of different pension providers.
9. Stay Connected
One of the biggest challenges you face as you continue to age is maintaining your social networks, Unlike during childhood when you would make friends by simply asking can we be friends, as you continue to age it becomes more difficult to not only make new friends but also maintain the existing ones. As intimidating as it may be, staying connected plays an important role in ensuring overall health and happiness.
Relocating, retirement, illness, and career changes are some of the factors that make it difficult to stay connected. However, it is important to reach out to your social circle regardless of your specific situation. Of course, every once in a while you may find yourself alone, being alone doesn’t necessarily mean you have to feel lonely. Although it is important to meet face to face, when it’s not a viable option, you can eliminate the potential loneliness and boredom by simply picking up your phone and reaching out to an old friend for a conversation.
Another way to stay connected is by attending social gatherings that involve a group of families coming together with the common goal of staying connected. As a unit, you may decide to do volunteer work together or play games that help you create even stronger bonds. The bottom line is, that there are lots of ways to stay connected whether physically or through technology.
10. Plan a Budget
The importance of a budget can’t be stated enough times. As you continue to age, so do your financial responsibilities and needs. Unfortunately, most people don’t like talking about their finances regardless of their age or levels of income. This discomfort in talking about finances leads to misinformed financial decisions which can have a dire impact on people especially those with a fixed income.
So why suffer in silence? If you don’t know how to go about coming up with a workable budget for you and your entire family, you can talk to your accountant for professional guidance. As you consider the different financial implications of aging don’t forget to draft a retirement budget.
Among the things you don’t have control over in your life, getting old is one of them, it is a fact of life that will happen to you and your entire family. The best you can do is to anticipate your needs and plan for them before they become necessities. The last thing you want as you age is stress, enjoy life, you’ve earned it.