When you look back at the first two homes that you owned, this new house really seems like a mansion. In fact, it has been fun to compare the pictures from the move in days from your first two homes to this newest house that the luxury custom homebuilders have created for you and your family.
That first home had three small bedrooms, one of which was so little you and your wife simply used it for an office. It had room for a desk big enough to hold the computer and the printer, an office chair, and a very small love seat that could be pulled out for a bed when you had company. When company arrived, however, the rolling office chair had to be moved out of the room and into the basement.
In addition to those two bedrooms, the house also had two bathrooms. One that was included in the master bedroom; the other was located on the first floor. It also had a very narrow two car garage. It was a great starter home. You purchased it for a great price and were fortunate to make a profit when you sold.
Your second home had a very similar floor plan. Three bedrooms upstairs. Those bedrooms, however, had walk-in closets instead of the smaller pocket door closets in the first house. This second home also had a third bathroom, a larger fenced in backyard, and a finished walkout basement. The basement, in fact, was the main reason that you moved. When you and your wife had the twins quick and easy access to a backyard was a must. That house also sold for a nice price.
And now you find yourself reviewing the luxury house plans for the house that you will close on in a month. You feel both fortunate and blessed. Fortunate to have found a custom home builder who was willing to carefully work with both you and your wife. Blessed because some well timed financial decisions and two great job promotions have put you in the place where you can afford the home of your dreams.
What Will You Include In Your Dream Home?
whether you are looking at luxury home designs in St. Louis or custom home plans in Florida, a few popular trends seem to be a frequent part of today\’s luxury house plans:
- Open Floor Plans With the right kind of design, large homes can look even bigger, but still inviting. An open floor plan allows both residents and guest to be together even when they are in separate rooms. Open floor concepts continue to be a part luxury home plans for combination areas like kitchens, family rooms, television rooms, and entertainment areas.
- Energy Efficiency Just because a home is elaborate does not mean that it should be wasteful. In fact, many luxury home plans include an intentional nod toward green building codes and energy star ratings. For example, kitchens can include eco-friendly appliances like convection ovens, which can cook food 25% faster and use less energy than traditional oven. And while appliances are the visible part of efficient energy, many other buildings plans save even more. For instance, underground geothermal systems can use 25% to 50% less energy than more traditional heating units, as well as reduce emissions.
- Water Features Pools have always been popular options, but today\’s luxury home owner is taking the backyard pool to a whole new level. Infinity pools that overlook beautiful views are especially popular, as are the natural landscaping plans that surround these pools. In some backyards what looks like a large rock wall is actually a wall with cutout for steps that lead to a platform for diving.
- Classy Touches Some of the newest splurges that luxury house plans include are the installation of a deluxe personal at-home spa or workout room where you can hire staff to come treat you at your home. Some owners are also building custom wine cellars with tasting rooms. Complete outdoor kitchens with features like a wood-fire oven for pizza are popular options that extend the living space to the outdoors. In areas where the growing season is right, some luxury house plans even include a vineyard somewhere on the property.