Are you part of the 70%?
In a time when Americans are caught up in consumerism, it is easy to stay focused on buying the things that we thing we need, even when our closets and our dresser drawers are already full to the brim. In time like these, are you part of the 70%?
In a time when 50% of Americans are still struggling with the results of the latest Presidential election, it is easy to bury your hand in the sand and simply hope for the best, as the nation panics about the latest confirmation for the President\’s cabinet. In times like these, are you part of the 70%?
In a time when the refugee situation in this country creates a debate that seems as vicious as any problem in this country\’s history, it is easy to think that there is little that you can do to make a difference, even as friends and neighbors worry for their future. In times like these, are you part of the 70%?
Studies Indicate That Seven Out of Ten Americans Donate to Charities Every Year
In a time when the entire country seems to be at war with itself about nearly every issue, many Americans are searching for ways that they can cope. Ways that they can make a difference even when they are feeling less hopeful. One tactic that is being promoted by a number of groups, including the refueled women\’s movement, is to select a charity or nonprofit that supports your interest. If you find yourself looking for a way to empower yourself you might look toward organizations that support Red Cross donation centers around the country.
In addition to the report that 70% of Americans give to charities every year, research also indicates that the average amount that most give is 3% of their income. Are you part of this movement to make sure that you are giving to those less fortunate?
For many, the easy decision to make a difference is to support Red Cross donation centers across the country. From contributions of money to clothing and other household items that can be of use to families in need, Red Cross donation centers help this nation\’s most giving people redistribute the wealth from the have\’s to the have not\’s.
Even if you are not in a financial situation where you can make financial contributions, many people have the resources to make used clothing donations, as well as other household items. Taking stock of what you have in your home and knowing what you are using and what is collecting dust is the first step toward making contributions to Red Cross donation centers.
American Red Cross donations enable the organization to provide relief for families and communities in the form of blankets, food, blood, and shelter 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Through its coordination of services, Red Cross corporate can help focus their resources to the areas of the most need. At some times, the most need is in entire communities that are attempting to recover from natural disasters like tornadoes and floods. At other times, Red Cross corporate can focus their resources to individual families who have lost their homes to fire. Either way, the coordination of services is key to the effectiveness of the well known Red Cross donations centers.
Consider some of these facts and figures about the Red Cross group and the tendencies of 70% of Americans to step away from their own consumerism to make decisions that will help the increasing number of people who find themselves in need:
- The American National Red Cross received $687 million in private donations in the year 2014, making it the 13th largest U.S. charity as ranked by private donations.
- Americans consume nearly 20 billion garments a year. That?s amounts to 68 garments and 7 pairs of shoes per person. In another example, this represents more than one piece of clothing purchased every single week.
- 564,708 people were homeless on a given night in America in January 2015.
- Charitable proceeds from the sale of the donated goods to the thrift stores exceeded $2.5 million in the year 2015. These prophets also go toward supporting both local and national charitable programs.