Red Cross donation centers across the country are all working together to help coordinate efforts to help the victims of Hurricane Harvey in the states of Texas and Louisiana. This major storm has impacted millions of lives and it will take a massive effort of Red Cross donation centers in every state, as well as donations from other agencies to help those affected recover.
Monetary donations are often the best way that Americans can donate to this enormous task that the states of Louisiana and Texas are facing. Many businesses, however, are also making an effort to collect the many household items that will be needed in the coming weeks as home owners try to get back into their homes that were filled with water. In fact, in church and grocery lots across America both parishioners and shoppers are filling entire semo trucks with much needed supplies that are being shipped to those most in need.
In some church lots, for instance, as many as three fully loaded trucks have headed to specific churches in Texas and Louisiana where people are anxiously awaiting what is being donated to them! These southern churches, in turn, provide services at shelter campuses in South Houston. As soon as one set of trucks departs, these same churches across the nation continue accepting donations from 8 am to 8 pm, and also provide volunteer staff in two hour shifts so that those who want to donate can easily do so.
Feedback from groups on the ground indicate that while the need for clothing is not as great in some areas, everyone will need the following donations:
- bleach
- brooms
- buckets
- cleaning supplies
- fans
- garbage bags
- laundry detergent
- masks
- mops
- rakes
- shovels
- tarps
- toiletries
- work gloves
American Red Cross clothing donations and other gifts will help fellow citizens recover from a natural disaster that has destroyed thousands of homes. For people who do not want to make Red Cross donations of cash, those funds will also find their way into the lives of those in Houston and the other areas affected by Hurricane Harvey. The American National Red Cross is the 13th largest U.S. charity when these agencies are ranked by private donations. In fact, they received $687 million in private donations in the year 2014 alone. Have you done your part to contribute to your local Red Cross donation center?