Finding a new home is incredibly difficult for new home buyers across the country. Plus, for many of these people looking to buy new homes, it is an important decision that will shape the next ten years of their lives as they plan to live in their new house.
There are plenty of different ways in which a new home buyer can find the next place of residence. There are the old-fashioned ways of doing this that involve online resources and tools and there are now new avenues for buyers to take when purchasing their new homes. Technology has allowed for homeowners to sell their homes quickly online. Here are some important facts on buying new homes.
Finding houses for sale can be simple when properly broken down into the right steps. It is important for the potential buyer to first understand the type of home that they want to purchase. This includes luxury homes found in luxury real estate areas or new houses being built in more rural areas.
It is also important for homeowners to understand how other homeowners think so they can get the most out of the home market. For instance, a recent survey revealed that 34% of all recent buyers who purchased new homes wanted to avoid renovations and problems with plumbing and electricity. Another survey revealed that over half of all millennials want to buy houses that are in walkable neighborhoods.
Data has been gathered recently that reveals that just about 32% of all people that are trying to buy homes right now are people buying a home for the first time. For many people that are buying a home, the ability to walk around outside is one of the top priorities when they are trying to pick a place to live. This means that when buying new homes, a lot of people really value the idea of having a nice neighborhood they can walk throughout.
Nearly 20% of all buyers of new homes are looking to specifically buy a townhouse according to the website Zillow. Another survey revealed that just about 26% of all millennials are currently interested in purchasing a townhouse as well. So there is diversity amongst buyers of new homes and what they want from the property they are going to potentially purchase.
It is important to know that Zillow has also determined that 50% of all buyers are specifically looking to buy new homes that have never been lived in before. More often than not this leads to people constructing and building a new home because 50% of all people also want energy efficient homes as well.
In Conclusion
Realtor.com has gathered data and have released projections that claim that most home buyers in this year are under the age of 35. This means that more and more home buyers are going to be younger and younger as time goes on because that is how the economy works. As young people grow older they are going to be making more money and will want to move out from living in their parents home. Thus, many of the buyers of new homes will be younger.