The medical field of womens health covers any health issues that modern women may face, such as their reproductive health, their hormone levels, and menopause treatment. Many women today have a regular gynecologist they visit for checkups, and older women are encouraged to visit clinics for mammography work and other imaging services to track their health. Women in their late 40s and older are urged to make good use of these womens health services, and they may lead to an early diagnosis of a developing issue. In other cases, womens health often means menopause solutions such as anti aging therapy, as women do not like menopause and its effects on their health. At an anti aging clinic, patients may get hormone replacement therapy, or HRT, if they so choose. What is there to know about HRT, infertility issues, and other aspects of womens health?
Menopause and Medical Solutions
There may be a few misconceptions where menopause is concerned. Strictly speaking, the process known as \”menopause\” really only describes a 24-hour time frame when a woman\’s hormones radically change. Until then, she may spend a few years in the perimenopausal phase, where her hormones will begin to change. In this phase, the woman\’s menstrual cycle will become erratic, and this often happens when a woman is in her mid or late 40s. after menopause itself takes place, the woman will spend the rest of her life in the post menopausal phase, and this is marked by low levels of estrogen, oxytocin, and other hormones. Studies show that the mean age for menopause today is 51, though in rare cases, women may experience it in their 30s or as late as their early 60s. In most cases, though, a woman may expect this to happen between ages 40 to 58.
It can be safely said that women do not like any aspect of menopause. During this time, her hormones are changing rapidly, and this may result in hot flashes, sleep issues, mood swings, and of course, infertility. To minimize these and other unwanted side effects of menopause, a woman may visit her gynecologist and doctor and request hormone replacement therapy at a local anti aging clinic. If her doctors approve of this and deem it safe, they may refer her to such a clinic, and there, doctors may give her estrogen supplements and injections. Most often, this should be done in the perimenopausal phase or early in the post menoapausal phase, as HRT has no effect on women who have been in post menopause after several years. But if the hormone therapy is indeed effective, then the woman\’s estrogen levels will be raised, and that may minimize the effects of menopause. This may also lead to a more youthful appearance. However, raising estrogen levels also means an increased risk of breast cancer, so women who undergo HRT are urged to visit clinics to get regular checkups and screenings.
Infertility Issues
Another arena of womens health is infertility solutions. Some man-woman couples may run into unexpected trouble conceiving a child, and if this happens, they are urged to visit infertility clinics for testing and other solutions. Why might infertility happen? In some cases, a woman\’s lifestyle may impact her reproductive health, from suffering ongoing stress all the way to tobacco use, heavy drinking, or use of hard drugs (such substance abuse or stress levels also harm men\’s reproductive health). In other cases, a woman\’s reproductive health is harmed due to her ovaries failing to release an oocyte, or \”egg cell,\” and thus fertilization is impossible. Or, a fertilized egg may wrongly attach itself to a fallopian tube rather than the uterine lining, and this will almost certainly compromise the pregnancy.
So, the couple may visit infertility clinics for testing and they may receive a diagnosis. Solutions may include hormone replacement for either partner, surgery, medication, or simply altering their lifestyles. Some solutions may include in vitro fertilization, where the oocyte is fertilized in a test tube and then implanted in the mother\’s body. Or, a surrogate mother may be used if the actual mother cannot carry a child for some reason or other.