When you donate clothing, people who are in serious need of help will receive clothes that help protect them from cold weather and more. Furthermore, Red Cross is currently the 13 largest United States charity amongst other private donations. In just 2014, Red Cross received nearly $687 million in private donations. As a result, many Americans should think about if they want to donate clothes to a red cross clothing pick up the donation.
A donation is great way for someone to help a person in need while also rewarding themselves. Understand that a donation can be used as a tax deduction, which saves Americans money on their taxes at the end of the year. This means people can give to used clothing donations and will receive money in return! Plus, if you donate to the American Red Cross, then the donation will go to people who need help. Keep in mind that the American Red Cross group works all year to give relief and help to people in the form of shelter, blood, food, and blankets. Here are all of the facts on Red Cross donations.
Donations Are Common In The United States
Recent data and studies show that more and more Americans are trying to donate to all kinds of donations and charities. Over 13 million tons of textiles from American donations will be given to people in need across the globe. As a result, when you decide to donate clothes, you are really helping people. Also, just about 3% of all American income is donated to charities across the country every single year!
Non-profit organizations will help contribute $666 billion to the United State economy each and every year. So these non-profit organizations are great for people in need as well as the overall American economy. A recent study revealed that almost one-quarter of all citizens in the United States decide to give something to charity every year. Therefore, anyone that decides to donate to a Red Cross clothes donation center will be in the majority of people across the country!
High-net-worth donors are some of the most valued donors across the globe. A recent study was conducted amongst these donors and why they believe in trying to donate to organizations. This study revealed that over 60% of these donors state that the number one motivation deals with trying to give back to the community. As a result, you should not hesitate to give to a red cross clothing pick up if you want to help people in need.
Donating Textiles Is Very Easy
Anyone that wants to give to a red cross clothing picks up donation should know that this is a very easy process. Due to the fact that so many Americans have old clothes and textiles, it is definitely one of the easiest items to help donate. As a result, you do not have to give up your money in order to help people who are in need!
The Environmental Protection Agency works to collect data on the environment and how people interact with the environment. They have revealed that an average of 10 pounds of clothes is thrown into the trash by every American each and every year. Therefore, these people could easily just give their clothes to a red cross clothing pick up a donation and it will help anyone that needs clothes and has no money to buy them!
A Red Cross Clothing Pick Up Donation Helps Homeless People
There are a lot of homeless people who need help. Data suggests that over 80,000 people are chronically homeless, which means they have no place to stay. In the year 2015, nearly 500,000 people were homeless on any random night across the country. All of these homeless people will get serious help and relief from Red Cross clothing pick up donations. So there are plenty of key reasons for Americans to take the time to help those who are in need.
Last Words On Red Cross Clothing Pick Up Donation
Anyone and everyone that is going to throw away their clothes should stop and reconsider their actions. Instead of just tossing away these clothes, its much better to just donate them to people!