When you make donations to organizations such as the American Red Cross, these items are sold in charitable thrift stores that benefit your immediate community as well as other people in need. The profits from these items are used for a variety of local and nationwide programs.
Every year, surveys show that 70% of the American population donates clothing and other household items to the American Red Cross as well as other philanthropic organizations. In 2015 alone, proceeds from these sales reached over $2.5 million. Furthermore, it\’s noteworthy that $666.1 billion is contributed by these non-profit organizations every year to local as well as national economies.
When you call for a Red Cross pickup, you are assisting this organization with their important efforts, many of which are life-saving. Every day throughout the year, the American Red Cross provides various types of relief to families and communities that are affected by natural and man-made disasters. This includes providing blankets, food, shelter, and blood.
Americans purchase almost 20 million garments, including shoes. every year. When averaged out on a weekly basis, this is the equivalent of every person buying 68 garments and 7 pairs of shoes. The Environmental Protection Agency reported that Americans throw away a considerable amount of clothing on an annual basis. This amounts to an average of 10 pounds per person, much of which could be worn again or otherwise recycled or up-cycled.
Rather than throwing away garments, shoes, and household textiles, which can end up in the nation\’s landfills, these items can be dropped off at a Red Cross donation center.
When you want to donate clothes to Red Cross, you can contact GreenDrop to find out more information about local drop-off locations. In addition to 30 free-standing locations, they also have mobile trailers that are able to collect weekly Red Cross clothing donations.
Whether you would like to donate to the Red Cross because you want to give back to the community, believe in recycling, or due to the contributions made by this organization, remember that you can also receive a tax deduction. When you go through your closets and other storage areas to collect clothing for a Red Cross pickup, be sure to post this to your favorite social media sites. Chances are that you will inspire your friends, family, and acquaintances to make Red Cross donations as well.