If you like to go hunting you probably already know all the regulations and rules behind the sport; staying away from farm land and ranches and all those sorts of thing. You wouldn\’t want to risk hunting someone\’s livestock or worse, pets. However, if you are not a hunter, you may have your opinions regarding hunting and hunters as it is a very controversial sport even to this day. This article is designed to give you a better over all view of hunters. Let\’s look at some common misconceptions about hunters.
Hunting is cruel to animals
A lot of people think that hunters are very cruel and that they go out into the woods in stalk their prey like a predator. This is entirely incorrect. Most hunters use the most efficient means when hunting. They are always concerned that their shot will put the animal down as quickly and as painlessly as possible. If you want to consider true cruelty, you can think about allowing a wild animal to overpopulate and cause disease and other problems in society.
Hunters are using taxpayer dollars
Hunters have to pay for their licenses and certifications in order to be able to hunt. They also spend money on hunting gear, clothing and ammo which supports the outdoor industry. When a hunter gets a license, they are charged a fee by the state. This fee is used to help pay for wildlife conservation as well as similar causes so the truth is quite opposite to this misconception.
Hunters are just trigger happy
If by trigger happy you mean that they enjoy the sport of shooting, then maybe so. However, whenever the phrased is used, it is generally in a negative connotation meaning that they just want to kill something. Hunters must go through safety courses before license will even be allowed in most places. Gun safety is passed from generation to generation among hunters as well as effective hunting techniques. Although there have been hunting related accidents they are mostly from people who do not respect the sport and pay no attention to firearm safety or hunting protocol.
Hunters are harming wildlife population
All states have a department that takes care of the wildlife species in relation to hunting licenses. There are only certain seasons that hunting is allowed depending on the results of research. Hunters actually do a great job of controlling and managing wildlife rather than destroying them.
Hunters destroy property and public land
Of course not all hunters are considerate of the land around them but most are. And ethical hunter will ensure that the area that they were in is left clean. They understand that the scent of trash actually scares animals off and will not leave any items that will hinder their chances. Any damage that occurs to signs or buildings is usually found to be done by trespassers and vandalizing criminals and not the hunters.
Hunters only hunt for fun
There is an element of fun and sport to it but many hunters will hunt in order to provide food for their families, manage wildlife population as well as enjoying the outdoors. It is not a game or a competition and serves a very real purpose.
Hunters and poachers of the same thing
This is definitely not true. Poachers are opportunistic lawbreakers The do not follow hunting protocol or policy. A true hunter will spend a long time researching and preparing but a poacher will go out unprepared and in blatant disregard of the law.
Unfortunately, there are hunters out there that do not play by the correct rules. They have given a bad name to the true hunters that believe in what they are doing. This should not be held against real hunters, though. Every walk of life has people that create stereotypes and incorrect thinking about them, but a few bad apples shouldn\’t damage the crop entirely. Try to keep an open mind, the next time you encounter someone that hunts and realize that there is not a \’one size fits all\’ method for everyone in the world. Everyone has a place and a part to play, including hunters, no matter what you believe or have heard in your life. It may take time to change your thinking, but give it a chance and you may be surprised.