Women\’s health is a fairly broad topic, often covering matters that are unique to the female body. Two large arenas of women\’s health may include anti aging therapy such as estrogen injections, otherwise known as hormone therapy at an anti aging clinic. Menopause treatment at these anti aging clinics proves fairly popular among American women and they may see many desirable benefits, though a woman is urged to consult her doctor or a gynecologist before proceeding. Every person is different, and any woman is urged to make careful decisions before visiting an anti aging clinic for hormonal treatment. But if everything goes smoothly at an anti aging clinic, a woman may avoid the most undesirable symptoms of menopause and the postmenopausal phase. Meanwhile, women\’s health also covers infertility issues, and in this case, a woman and her male partner should visit an infertility clinic for testing.

Women and Menopause

There are a few misconceptions about menopause. It may first be noted that \”menopause\” really only describes a 24-hour hormonal shift in a woman\’s body, with a perimenopause before it and a postmenopausal phase that lasts for the rest of her life afterwards. Statistics are kept to track at what age women experience menopause and how it alters their bodies and minds, and how hormone replacement may change this. For one thing, the average age of menopause has not changed much in the past few centuries, despite a longer life span among people in developed nations today. What is that average? Today, the mean age of menopause is 51 years, although woman are likely to start menopause anywhere from age 40 to 58. In more rare cases, a woman may experience it as young as her 30s or as late as her early 60s.

In the four or so years leading up to menopause itself, nine in 10 women will experience perimenopause, which is a phase of altered menstrual cycles and changing hormone levels. After menopause, a woman will live in her postmenopausal phase, and this is marked by a decrease in estrogen. During all this time, symptoms may include mood swings or shifts, difficulty with sleep, hot flashes, and an altered personality to some extent. Both women\’s and men\’s behavior is largely dictated by their hormone types and levels, and a woman with lowered estrogen may feel reduced instincts for protecting children and maintaining strong social bonds. This may vary from one woman to another, but changes in personality and general behavior may be observed, speaking broadly.

Hormone Therapy at an Anti Aging Clinic

For the most part, women do not like menopause and the hormonal shifts involved, which is why they often turn to the option of hormone therapy available at local anti aging clinics. If a woman in her late 40s or in her 50s is experiencing perimenopause, she may consult her physician and/or a local gynecologist and see if hormone replacement therapy is an option for her. If it is, she may have estrogen injected into her system, and this may largely prevent or reverse the unwanted effects of menopause. Such treatment is most effective either during perimenopause or very early in the postmenopausal phase, as such therapy has no effect after a certain point.

Women who undergo this therapy may note that increased estrogen also means heightened risks of developing breast cancer, so they are urged to get regular mammography and other imaging work done, just to be safe.

Fertility Issues

Some women in a man-woman relationship may experience unexplained difficulty conceiving a child, and they can visit a fertility clinic (often with their male partner) to find out why. This may involve interviews, testing, and more with one or both partners. In women, common causes of infertility include drug, tobacco, or alcohol use, or chronic and serious stress or depression. Even economic hardship has been known to harm women\’s reproductive health. Physically, her ovaries may be failing to release an oocyte, or egg cell, making fertilization impossible. Or, a fertilized oocyte attaches to the fallopian tube, which makes a pregnancy impossible to carry to term correctly. Patients may start taking medication, change their lifestyle, or even make use of in vitro fertilization and have the zygote implanted in their uterus. Or, if need be, a surrogate mother may be used.

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