You were able to safe the bedroom set, but most of the other things in the room are a complete loss. The water that caused all of the damage came in from the basement window and within minutes flooded not only bedroom but the entire basement. Fortunately, the bedroom set was easy and quick to disassemble, move, and reassemble. The furniture was a part of an older set that you received from your mother, so it has more sentimental value than anything, but with the addition of a new mattress and box spring it is a very comfortable sleeping option.
Finding the right furniture is not always easy. Too often, when you find something that you can afford it is cheaply made. In contrast, the furniture that is well built is often far too expensive. For this reason, there are many people who keep older sets that they have or look for handcrafted mission style living room, bedroom, and kitchen pieces.
Mission Style Tables, Loveseats, and other Pieces Continue to Grow in Popularity
Whether you are looking for all new furniture for a new home or you are simply searching for a mission style desk for a renovation after a flood, it is always important to make sure that you are considering all of the available options. Consider these facts and figures about the furniture industry and the impact that it has on the economy of the nation:
- More than 33% of respondents in a 2017 Interior Design Trends survey indicated that they would choose a neutral color palette when redecorating their home.
- 60% of participants in a recent survey indicated that they would design their entire living room around a sofa.
- 48% of home owners planned to decorate their homes in 2018, according to a Houzz survey.
- While a king size bed has 38 inches of space for two people, a queen size bed offers each occupant 30 inches of sleeping space.
- To keep it is its best shape, leather furniture should be conditioned about every six months.
- Interior designers recommend updating a room\’s decor every five to 10 years.
There are many reasons why people make a decision to update the furniture in a home, but whenever this decision is made it is important to compare quality to price to make sure that you are purchasing the right pieces.