It can be difficult for senior citizens to adjust to the limited range of mobility that often comes with the aging process. While it\’s perfectly natural to need help getting around as you get older, some find the prospect embarrassing. Things like canes or walking sticks can really help improve mobility, and therefore the quality of life. But at the same time, they are very visible and many people want to choose canes that don\’t look sterile or \”made for old people\”. With that being said, there are many bariatric canes made with personality in mind, and senior citizens can find canes that both suit their needs and personalities. Designer walking canes not only help people get around, but help them adjust to aging in style. Of course, appearance isn\’t the only thing you should keep in mind when looking for bariatric canes. You should also think of the materials they\’re made of, as well as features like their storage capabilities and comfort. With that being said, some people don\’t even know when to start looking for a cane — or when to start gently pushing a loved one to get a cane. Below, we\’ll look into why canes are so important, and what your options may be.
When Should I Start Looking For A Cane?
Lots of senior citizens in the United States don\’t end up in the hospital due to illness — but simply because they\’ve fallen. Falls themselves often have little to do with a medical condition, and are just the result of the natural aging process. In fact, one in every four older adults in the United States falls every year. Among this population, about 50% of all falls take place in the home. While some of these falls are relatively minor, many result in serious injuries. In fact, each year two million senior citizens in the United States go to the emergency room because of injuries that occur during a fall. When it comes to the causes of these falls, two of the most common are dizziness or unsteadiness during walking — therefore, if you start to experience these symptoms, you\’ll want to start looking at bariatric canes. This way, you can prevent falls before they happen. As these injuries are often quite serious, many people find that the recovery process is quite slow, leading to senior citizens spending a long time in the hospital and experiencing complications that are potentially life-threatening. Why risk that when bariatric canes are available?
How Many People Really Get Canes?
Canes may not seem common to the naked eye — but that\’s probably because they\’re discreet and you haven\’t even noticed other people using them. It\’s estimated that about 6.8 million Americans use devices like canes to improve their mobility. In fact, a little less than 40% of Americans over the age of 85 use mobility devices, and 10.2% of Americans 65 and older use canes. As it is, canes are the most widely used types of mobility devices, with 4.8 million Americans using them. If you find yourself needing a cane, you shouldn\’t feel embarrassed or ashamed — they\’re quite commonly used, and you can get a cane customized to your liking.
What Kind Of Cane Should I Choose?
There are many different types of canes on the market for those who want to use them. Fancy walking canes are actually becoming more popular now that many senior citizens are enjoying their \”golden years\” and experiencing less time alone. Of course, there are still practical things to consider when buying a cane — you may want to consider a cane with a seat, or folding canes for storage ability. There are also different materials from which canes are made — some are made of wood, while others are made of carbon fiber. You may also want to consider a cane with a palm grip. Most of these options can still come with decorative details — you can get the cane you want without sacrificing mobility.