The Internet continues to be a popular tool to locate homes for sale. Recent figures show that 92% of prospective home buyers are specifically using the Internet for this purpose. Even though these prospective buyers may be able to locate quite a few listings online, having a real estate agent on board can streamline this process. Real estate agents will have more up-to-date listings and be able to engage buyers in a dialogue about what they want and need in their new house and neighborhood.
Many home buyers experience challenges when searching for just the right property. A recent survey showed that this was the most difficult aspect for 52% of the participating home buyers. One of the reasons for this may be because they are first-time home buyers and are unaware of the most effective ways to locate available properties. Another reason why this can be a challenging process is when prospective buyers are relocating and may not be familiar with the area.
While some home buyers may be searching for older homes, Zillow reported that 48% of want to purchase new home constructions. Energy-efficiency was cited as the most desired feature for 48% of the individuals interested in these new homes. Another selling point is that these newly-constructed homes will not need to be renovated. Furthermore, the types of issues that are associated with older homes and neighborhoods, such as old plumbing and electrical systems, don\’t apply with these new luxury homes. This is why 34% of new home buyers choose to purchase custom built homes located in planned communities.
Since 32% of the individuals that are interested in buying new luxury homes are purchasing their very first house, it\’s even more important to work closely with a local real estate agent. If these buyers have children or are planning to start a family, then a real estate agent will know abut the school districts in the vicinity. Furthermore, local realtors will also be aware of other sites of interest such as quality stores and restaurants. Since many prospective buyers are interested in moving into walkable neighborhoods, a real estate agent will be able to assist them with locating just the right property.