Are you or a loved one are addicted to alcohol, opiates, subscription drugs, or similar substances? If so, you?re not alone. According to a 2014 report issued by The National Institute on Drug Abuse, almost 2 million Americans over the age of 12 had a substance use disorder involving prescription pain relievers, while over 550,000 were addicted to heroin. In addition, 6.5 million Americans admitted that they had used prescription drugs recreationally within the previous month. Hospital data reports that in 2011, more than 5 million emergency room visits had drug related causes, and that number has not decreased. Over 20 million Americans over age 12 suffer from addictions, but the sad fact is that the highest rate of illegal drug use is among young adults between 18 to 25. Because young people have unique developmental needs, drug addiction can be particularly harmful and long lasting, making immediate detox and treatment urgent.
There are many successful ways to beat addiction. One that is gaining popularity in recent times is the ibogaine treatment program. Ibogaine is a natural psychoactive alkaloid extracted from a West African shrub, iboga. While ibogaine therapy produces a hallucinogenic state for a short time, some patients report that the hallucinogenic effects were useful in overcoming the emotional obstacles that are often a side effect of addictive personalities. Ibogaine is non-addictive, and it has been proven to be successful in drug treatment for prescription drugs, alcohol and cocaine addiction, heroin and methadone treatment, and more. Unlike other methods of heroin addiction treatment, ibogaine treatment for opiate addiction can eliminate over 90 percent of opiate withdrawal symptoms, including alleviating the effects of PAWS (post-acute withdrawal symptoms), if it is properly administered.
A recent study also found that an ibogaine treatment program can alleviate symptoms of depression, as well as PTSD and OCD. Ibogaine is included in a group of medicinal psychedelic drugs that affect serotonin, a naturally occurring neurotransmitter that influences mood, and other functions. By flooding the neurotransmitters with serotonin and dopamine, ibogaine therapy helps recharge the brain?s pathways, rerouting information and repairing the damage. In a sense, ibogaine restores the mind to a pre-addictive condition.
In an ibogaine treatment program, a therapist guides the patient through the experience. They don?t direct, but rather support and observe. There are several benefits to this integrated approach, such as being prepared for the experience, and analyzing and implementing it afterwards. In addition, the patient has the security of knowing their health and safety are being monitored throughout the ibogaine treatment experience.
While ibogaine is not legal in the United States, since it is classified as a Schedule I drug, it is available and legal in its neighboring countries Mexico and Canada. For many, the change in location is part of the change in mindset, and so there is a hidden benefit in the necessity of travel when attending an ibogaine addiction treatment facility. There are some treatment centers in beautiful locations, which also helps one regain a sense of peace. Together with natural scenery and a change of pace, the ibogaine therapy combines to restart and rejuvenate those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction.
Participating in an ibogaine treatment program can work quickly, so one need not be away from family, school, or work for very long. Getting back to life quickly, with a renewed commitment to positive living and a sense of inner strength are all eventual benefits of getting help for drug addiction. Ibogaine may be the treatment needed.