
Every second, there is a staggering 60 hours of video a minute, or one hour per second, uploaded onto the immensely popular YouTube. As a result, it should come as little surprise that the site has more than 800 million unique users every month. While some will head to the site to watch sports highlights, get tips on computer and video games, watch how-to videos, or even see product reviews, others might want to watch some entertaining American family videos. Whatever the case may be, YouTube is a great place to go if you want to pass the free time, but is certainly not the place to go for online movies. However, there are several alternatives to the site that are also loaded with family video movies and other great content.

Individual Networks

Many TV stations are putting their shows and content online so that fans can watch programming from anywhere and at any time. Stations like NBC put streaming episodes of their shows online, but for movies, you might have to dig a bit deeper. One of the best channels for American family videos is Hallmark, and its SpiritClips site features lots of great movies that the whole family can enjoy. So if you have a particular movie in mind, finding the website of the channel that broadcasts it might be a good place to start looking.


A great website alternative to YouTube and family video rentals because it provides free streaming links to lots of great family movies. If you are just browsing the computer with your kids or cuddled up on the couch with a tablet or laptop, you can head to popcornflix.com to watch movies for free. Though they have some commercials, just like they would on TV, they are a nice alternative.


Vimeo might be limited in the number of well-known films or movies it has, but it is a great place to watch videos because it tends to attract professional filmmakers. Browsing through Vimeo to find funny and entertaining American family videos can be a fun way to hang out with your kids, and, if you take awesome videos of your home, it is a good place to upload and share them.


Of course, when it comes to digital movie watching, Netflix reigns supreme. As of October, Netflix had more than 40 million subscribers, which, at least in part, stems from the fact that it hosts lots of fun family movies and TV shows alike. Plus, it is super easy to use so even kids can enjoy it.

Though YouTube is a great site for passing the time, it is not always the best place to go if you want to watch fun American family videos with your kids. However, there are several great alternatives if nothing is on TV and you don\’t want to spend time or money on a movie rental.

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