One of the trademark scenes of the West is a herd of horses galloping over a stretch of plain with manes and tails flying into the sunset. There\’s a reason for that — there\’s still plenty of equestrian property available in the West and land that can be turned into horse property, guest ranches, or … [Read more…]
Preschool Summer Camps and Why They Can Be Extremely Good for Your Child
For parents, few things are more important than making sure that their children receive the kind of education that not only develops their intellects but also transforms them into good human beings from a very early age. Married couples often start searching for the ideal school to send their children to right after they are … [Read more…]
Your Guide to Keeping Your Water Softener Free of Salt Mushing and Bridges
Hard water is problem around the country. Nearly 85% of households throughout the United States are impacted by it. The level of calcium carbonate is what makes water \”hard,\” it is also how the level of hardness is measured. One grain of calcium carbonate is the equivalent of 17.1 milligrams per liter. Hard water in … [Read more…]
Three Secrets for Thriving as a Stay at Home Mom
\”It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.\” When it comes to the way of life that most stay at home moms experience, the opening words of the classic novel Tale of Two Cities describe it best. Getting to stay home with your babies and soak up every minute of their … [Read more…]
Keeping it Clean and Keeping You Free
Sometimes you just need a little help. Whatever it is that you do in your life to keep yourself busy, it is often just an added stressor to come home to a dirty house that might take hours of work to make look decent again. Perhaps unfairly, many women, or about 87%, consider the cleanliness … [Read more…]
Planning Your Outdoor Living Space Needs
Americans spend a lot of time in their backyards. Our backyards are an important part of our home, because it is our small piece of the outdoors. It is the one outdoor that is private and it all ours. We can do whatever we want to this area, including the addition of a pool, playscapes, … [Read more…]
How to Choose the Perfect Wedding Ceremony Location
Most girls dream about their weddings for much of their lives. They create imaginary weddings with their dolls and then play house with their friends. They skim wedding magazines, picking out the wedding dress, the cake and the colors of their wedding before they even meet the perfect husband. Once you do meet your future … [Read more…]
What Does Your Sleep Position Say About You?
Did you know that the position in which you sleep can say a lot about your personality? Below you will find a list of the six sleeping positions and how they relate to personality and behavior. What Your Sleeping Position Says About You Fetal Position A whopping 41% of people sleep in the fetal position, … [Read more…]