Just how important is play for children\’s health?
According to more than a few psychological studies…it\’s everything. It\’s how children learn vital social skills that will last them throughout adulthood. It\’s a great source of physical exercise and gives them plenty of opportunity to stretch their imagination. Without regular access to play children will be set behind in more than one area of their life. When you install outdoor basketball systems and commercial playground equipment you give children of all shapes and sizes a chance to stay healthy.
Learn more about the psychology behind play and how you can do your part to keep children healthy below.
Play Is Vital For Healthy Brain Development
Without play many children today would be in a much worse spot to grow into healthy adults. Playing is necessary to stimulate brain development, with studies showing it\’s highly important for children to be provided regular opportunities for a variety of gross motor activities. Children who are denied this during their first six years will face a lifetime of limited brain power. Outdoor play is one of the best ways to achieve this, such as in outdoor basketball systems or a gaga ball pit for sale.
Parents Today Are Worried About Their Children\’s Health
It\’s easy for children to get sucked into technology and forget to go out and play. Parents today are more worried than ever about their children\’s physical and social health. One study found four-fifths of the parents questioned stating it\’s very important for their children to learn technology…right alongside nine out of 10 wishing they would also spend more time outdoors. Balance is the key to happiness. Adding aluminum bleachers, a handicap swing, and commercial playground equipment will go a long way in helping out.
Creativity Grows With Regular Access To Play
It\’s not just useful motor skills and socializing that children gain from a few hours of play. They also will enjoy a boost in their creativity. Boredom is actually a key ingredient for this, forcing them to think outside the box and apply themselves in unique ways. Despite this, one study found a mere 20% of parents agreeing it\’s good for their children to be bored sometimes. Figuring things out, even if it means just trying something new, is how children grow beyond their boundaries and better themselves.
Playground Equipment Is Incredibly Varied
There are plenty of interesting, fun, and safe playground equipment sets for you to choose from. Commercial swing set accessories are among the most common, especially since swinging can be a group activity. Outdoor basketball systems are also a blast for coordinated playtime. According to research provided by the Kaiser Family Foundation, children between the ages of eight and 18 spend nearly five hours per day watching television in various forms. Imagine how much healthier everyone could be with an hour or two of good, fun play.
Installing A Climbing Playground Or Swing Set Is Great For Business
When you install outdoor basketball systems you not only give children the resources they need to stay healthy, but parents some extra free time. According to the Sports And Fitness Industry Association\’s classification of \’active to a healthy level\’, less than one-third of children are achieving what they need to stay physically and mentally fit. This can be as low as just 25 minutes of a high-calorie burning physical activity three times a week. Playing basketball, jumping around a commercial ballpit…there\’s a lot that can be enjoyed.
How will your establishment help children become healthier?