The best wedding places and best venues don\’t necessarily have to be in the most extravagant of places. Some cheap wedding venues offer some great amenities and views. Outdoor wedding places in particular can be so beautiful depending on the backdrop. If you are looking for a great place to have your wedding then don\’t rule out a beautiful back yard or the greens of a golf resort. Beaches are particularly popular as a wedding venue. There are a lot of outdoor wedding places where you can have your wedding for free if you will rent all of your own equipment and tables and chairs, etc. You may only need to reserve the area if you are using a public park or something like that. Here are some pros and cons for outdoor wedding places.
- Price
As mentioned, there are parks and beaches and other outdoor venues that will not charge you to have your wedding there. If you reserve the area in advance you could book out the whole place and it will be as private as an indoor wedding. Of course, if you know someone with a nice backyard and you\’d rather your wedding be a more intimate affair anyway then you won\’t even have to worry about reserving it. Venues can be one of the most expensive parts of the wedding but having outdoor wedding places that don\’t charge is a great way to save money for the honeymoon or even a house together. The wedding is only one day and as special as it is, you don\’t want to break the bank on it or spend the next few years paying it off. - Landscape
There is nothing quite as beautiful as the great outdoors. No indoor venue is ever going to look as nice as rolling green hills or a forest full of trees or the ocean crashing on the shore. Think about the pictures! If you have an indoor wedding, sure you can make it appealing but the natural landscape of the outdoors will make decorating so much simpler. You\’ll hardly need anything to make it look better than it already does, depending on the area that you choose. This will be another money saver as well. Outdoors you may need little more than an archway (if you even want one) and tablecloths and chair covers as well as centerpieces. Inside, you\’ll need a lot more to give it the ambiance of a beautiful wedding.
- Weather
Weather can be very unpredictable. The forecast could show a clear day and then hours before, things could take a turn for the worst. It\’s also difficult to pick a date because of this as well. Wedding dates are typically chosen months in advance but with the variable weather patterns, you\’ll always be worrying about whether you chose the right day. Spring and fall are the best times of year but they are also the most unpredictable. Even a beautiful day could be accompanied by a strong wind that could ruin your wedding. - Restrooms
Unless you are having your wedding in the back yard of someone that doesn\’t mind people traipsing in and out of the house to use the facilities, you may have a problem with the restroom situation. Port a potties are not ideal and no one likes to use them; not even the deluxe ones. When touring outdoor venues, make sure you know where the bathrooms are in relation to where the wedding is going to be and try to set up as close to the restrooms as possible.
Whether you choose to have an indoor wedding or an outdoor one really depends on preference and your vision for your wedding. There is no right or wrong answer to how you get married. It\’s your wedding and it\’s completely up to you. Don\’t let anyone else, no matter how close, change your opinion about how you want to get married. Sometimes well meaning folks forget it is not their wedding. A gentle reminder that you are the one who is going to make the final decision may be necessary from time to time. The choice should be only between you and your spouse to be and that is all.