Private schools frequently have to sort through stereotypes. They can be thought of as snooty. They\’re also thought to be options for high schoolers.
The best way to support your child\’s education is to get to the truth. Private schools, at their core, are an individualistic school system that brings out children\’s hidden potential. Smaller classroom sizes, more access to extracurriculars, and higher parental involvement are just a few of the benefits. Even better? You don\’t have to wait until your child is a teenager to start reaping the rewards.
When you look for \’best pre k schools near me\’, double-check the private schools in your area. The list below will detail what, exactly, you can expect when you make the switch.
Parents today are more stressed than they\’ve ever been. When they\’re not concerned about their child\’s grades, they\’re worried about social skills and college opportunities. An interesting study revealed over 20% of public school teachers to be concerned about student apathy. Another 25% are also concerned about a lack of parental involvement, whether or not the child is struggling with grades. The advantages of attending private schools address these issues and much more.
The best day schools, the best middle schools, and the \’best pre k schools near me\’ should all have one thing in common: individuality. Your child\’s personal hurdles don\’t look like anyone else\’s. As such, their classrooms and extracurriculars should be geared to their strengthsand weaknesses. The average private school classroom size is less than 15 students, with some as small as seven or eight. These include preschools, which help implement the private school model as early as possible.
Did you know nearly 90% of five year-olds in the United States were enrolled in preprimary programs? Of the three to five year-olds enrolled in preschool programs, around 50% attended full-day programs. This gives you several benefits in one package. Most obviously, you\’ll have more freedom in the day to attend to chores and work. You\’ll also have a well-rounded education that embraces your child\’s unique interests, rather than trying to shove them into a mold.
There are nearly three million students enrolled in private elementary schools. Looking up the \’best pre k schools near me\’ will set you up for a long, enriching road paved by today\’s best teachers. Counselors at today\’s private schools state they spend 55% of their time on college-related matters. Even better, recent studies have found the national average private school SAT score to be at 1235. Compare this to the national average public school score, which has hovered at 1060 for years.
Do you want your child to enjoy the best education and attend the best colleges? Over 95% of non-parochial private high school graduates go on to a four-year postsecondary institution. This is even before you look into highly involving options like arts camp and the most competitive extracurriculars. The benefits of prep schools, you see, are more than just grades. They\’re a mindset shift that creates the proud, confident adult you want your child to become.
Need the \’best pre k schools near me\’? The best preschools in Coral Gables are waiting to step up your child\’s education.