Four Common Questions Involving Used Clothing Donations

In January 2015, 564,708 people were homeless on a given night in the U.S. Additionally, about 15% of the homeless population, approximately 83,170, are considered chronically homeless individuals. What can you do to help? Even if you do not have extra funds or a house to offer, there are ways that you can help too. … [Read more…]

Want to Make a Difference in Your Community? Contribute to the Red Cross!

When you make donations to organizations such as the American Red Cross, these items are sold in charitable thrift stores that benefit your immediate community as well as other people in need. The profits from these items are used for a variety of local and nationwide programs. Every year, surveys show that 70% of the … [Read more…]

Want To Donate To Charity? Here Are Some Tips

What makes thrift shops and donation centers so wonderful? Well, it\’s all in the community! Americans donating gently used clothes and furniture has proven to be a phenomenon of epic proportions, creating a domino effect positively impacting the environment, multiple industries and local communities. If you\’ve found yourself browsing at these shops and wondering how … [Read more…]