
Many people think of cotton as the slogan put forth by the industry that produces it. By being called \”the fabric of our lives,\” cotton has become almost synonymous with being environmentally friendly. People think that it is good for everyone and everything. More and more people are looking at the fabric and opting for organic versions of the products they buy. You can get everything in an organic version these days. Everything from organic cotton baby bedding and clothing to organic cotton towels and other organic clothing, sheets and clothing.

There are reasons it is so important to get healthy versions of cotton. It literally has become the slogan. We use it for bedding, towels, clothing and toys. We are surrounded by it all of the time. The problem is that it is not as healthy as it is advertised to be. There are a lot of chemicals used to make it and it requires a lot of water to produce. When you buy organic cotton baby bedding, you help make sure your child is sleeping surrounded by chemical free items.

To understand why it is important to get organic cotton items, it is important to understand what organic cotton is. The Organic Trade Association defines organic cotton as any cotton that is produced without the use of chemicals such as fertilizers and pesticides. The organic cotton industry has other ways to keep pests away from the cotton plants. They use newer technology to cut the product, use new techniques that include releasing certain bugs into an area and use alfalfa to reduce weeds and eliminate the hazards. More and more cotton is being grown organically. In the United States alone, more than six thousand bales of it were produced in 2014.

When you are looking at organic cotton baby bedding products, it is also crucial to understand how traditional methods of producing cotton differ from the organic process. Traditional cotton production uses a lot of chemicals. By some estimates, as much as one quarter of all insecticides that are used on the planet are used in the production of cotton In terms of insecticide use, about 10% of the global use of them goes for cotton production. That translated into more than 55 million pounds of chemical pesticides being used on cotton plants. That covers 12.8 million acres of the plants.

The chemicals used are some of the most dangerous and toxic known to the world. The impact they can have on human health can be devastating. Exposure can lead to weakened immune systems, birth defects and even reproductive problems.

Most of the word\’s cotton supply is picked by hand. Workers who do this grueling task are exposed to these dangerous chemicals. This is not where the danger to the community stops, however. These chemicals can get into the ground water and water supply. Millions of people around the planet lack access to clean drinking water. The addition of harmful chemicals to their water supply is one reason for this.

In addition to being better for the environment and helping the health of the people who have to pick the cotton, organic cotton has other benefits. Most of the companies that produce items such as organic cotton baby bedding, have made a commitment to fair hiring and work practices that allow their workers to lead better lives.

Another benefit is that these organic cotton baby bedding products, for instance can be produced more cheaply because the companies do not have to spend money on dangerous chemicals. The pesticides and insecticides are dangerous but they are also expensive. When companies no longer have to pay for harsh chemicals, they can pass along the savings to the consumer. They can also pay their workers a living wage.

More and more consumers today are looking at the social and environmental impact they can have with the items they purchase. This is one reason non-food organic items have become so popular and easy to find. By buying organic clothing and bedding, you can do a lot to keep your family safe and healthy, promote good and fair employment policies and make the planet a safer and more healthy place for everyone to live.

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